“Paragon Sports Constructors provided the most professional transparent, customer service friendly experience of any turf installation of my 25 years as an Athletic Director. The Paragon Team was tasked with a turf replacement installation project during a very short window of time. They diligently worked both day and night, ultimately delivering a completed project performed to perfection, ahead of schedule. Mansfield ISD could not be more pleased with our experience with the Paragon Sports Construction Team.”
Philip O’Neal | Mansfield ISD Executive Director of Athletics
“Paragon Sports Constructors provided the most professional transparent, customer service friendly experience of any turf installation of my 25 years as an Athletic Director. The Paragon Team was tasked with a turf replacement installation project during a very short window of time. They diligently worked both day and night, ultimately delivering a completed project performed to perfection, ahead of schedule. Mansfield ISD could not be more pleased with our experience with the Paragon Sports Construction Team.”
Philip O’Neal | Mansfield ISD Executive Director of Athletics
“Paragon Sports Constructors provided the most professional transparent, customer service friendly experience of any turf installation of my 25 years as an Athletic Director. The Paragon Team was tasked with a turf replacement installation project during a very short window of time. They diligently worked both day and night, ultimately delivering a completed project performed to perfection, ahead of schedule. Mansfield ISD could not be more pleased with our experience with the Paragon Sports Construction Team.”
Philip O’Neal | Mansfield ISD Executive Director of Athletics
“Paragon Sports Constructors provided the most professional transparent, customer service friendly experience of any turf installation of my 25 years as an Athletic Director. The Paragon Team was tasked with a turf replacement installation project during a very short window of time. They diligently worked both day and night, ultimately delivering a completed project performed to perfection, ahead of schedule. Mansfield ISD could not be more pleased with our experience with the Paragon Sports Construction Team.”
Philip O’Neal | Mansfield ISD Executive Director of Athletics
“Paragon Sports Constructors provided the most professional transparent, customer service friendly experience of any turf installation of my 25 years as an Athletic Director. The Paragon Team was tasked with a turf replacement installation project during a very short window of time. They diligently worked both day and night, ultimately delivering a completed project performed to perfection, ahead of schedule. Mansfield ISD could not be more pleased with our experience with the Paragon Sports Construction Team.”
Philip O’Neal | Mansfield ISD Executive Director of Athletics