Gib Searight

Natural Grass Manager


Gib is a seasoned veteran of the professional sports, golf course and natural turf athletic field industries and brings over 30 years of field and management experience to Paragon Sports Constructors. Gib manages the sales, estimating, and operations of Paragon Sports Constructors Natural Grass Division and provides leadership and training to the division’s staff.

Contact Gib.

WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SPORTS MEMORY? Getting to escort Presidents 41 and 43 to the Texas Rangers mound for the first pitch ceremony prior to the 2010 World Series vs. San Francisco.

WHAT DO YOU ENJOY MOST ABOUT YOUR JOB? I like being able to work outside, as well as help other turfgrass managers and coaches work through their problems and successes.

ANY OTHER DETAILS YOU WOULD LIKE TO SHARE ABOUT YOURSELF? Having been in the turfgrass industry since 1979, I have been exposed to and worked with some of the very best professionals in the business and strive to take all the positive learning experiences to the field and share those experiences and best practices with the managers, coaches and operators trying to improve their fields and programs.